Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm Baaaack!

I went to dinner with my awesome girlfriends last week. My friend Janet is semi retiring after a year long battle with some health issues and hell, why not? My other friend Christine says "you are a fucking riot, you should blog". Oh yeah, I have a blog and it's inactive, so wtf, start it up again.

Because I am so f'n pissed at NGFX that I can't be rational. So where else, right?

For those of you new to the program - my ex told me he wanted a divorce - one week after I popped the Kid out. Yep, we'd been married 10 years and he had his midlife crisis right on schedule. Nice that we had a business a house, a life that I thought was pretty good. Yeah, did he suck in the sack - absolutely....but my life was pretty good.

Anyhoo - moved on and up and married a great guy and the Kid is now 9. And NGFX is now feeling - because HE moved an hour away - that he is less than "involved". So I think I will start calling him at all hours when she does the most mundane of things, just to see how involved he really wants to get. He goes through these cycles - when his business is off, when his "trophy wife" is being a twat - he decides to take it out on me. And when my daughter asked me tonight "why did he marry you in the first place, Papa should be my real father" - I ask myself the same question.

Fuck you, asshole. You left, you moved away - just keep sending the checks on time.

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