Monday, November 17, 2008

Slacking and bitching about the holidays.

God I have been slacking off - probably because I've been reading so many others blogs, diving inspiration from unlikely sources. Plus the election held me captive for weeks...thank the hounds of hell that's over for awhile.

I've been trying to get my holiday shopping done. If I didn't have to get for my husband's family I'd be DONE. And really, my nephew the lawyer needs a $25 gift certificate from me?? I don't think so. About time he and his sister were in the adult swap, which I've tried to do for years, since they were in college. And I'm trying to lower the swap to $25 each. It's not like anyone in his family puts any thought into the gifts - it's essentially an exchange of gift cards - and you TELL the person who has you what you want at Thanksgiving. SURPRISE!

I'm thankful for the Kid, who is SOOOOO easy to get for and surprise. She's the best.

I got the email from my SIL today about Thanksgiving. Now she's great, I love her she always has us all over and does the turkey and ham, etc. Awesome. But I'm like the BEST COOK IN THE FAMILY. I bring the salad. And this year, wine.

Oh well, I'm grateful for family too.