Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Day!

At this rate we'll be in school until July, but on a positive note, I remembered my laptop so I was able to dial in from home and work all day. Bonus was the kid was home from school and we hung out together all day - we even made chocolate chip cookies in the afternoon. By the time Coach got home, we were hanging in the chair watching Giada DeLaurentis on the cooking channel - she is beautiful (and skinny, beotch) but what a great way to spend a snow day, just snuggling and hanging out and enjoying each other's company.

I am thankful for yesterday.

Regrets...I've had a few

I am thinking I should write a book. I guess I must be having some kind of mid-life crisis because I keep remembering college and what I did (or didn't do) after and how much better my life would be if I had not been married at 24 (so true) and I had done some traveling or gone to graduate school or done something else with my life.

This whole cycle I am in is tied, I think, to things like and linkedin and facebook, which I am ashamed to admit, I finally signed up for last night. I am envious of many people I am "friends" with on facebook, which is freaking me out.

Why wasn't I smarter, why didn't I tell dipshit to take a hike, why didn't I move to the west coast, why didn't I do anything else besides move back to my hometown and be stuck here for the forseen future....?

Boy I am in a funktastic funk.