Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Merry Christanzzaunakkah!

My 6 year old is having her "Holiday Play" on Thursday. I was making dinner one night a few weeks ago and out of the playroom comes a song I've never heard before "celebrate Kwanzaa, celebrate Kwanzaa!". Then a minute later comes "Spin the dreidel, spin the dreidel!".

I asked her what the music was - "it's for our holiday play". I'm cool with that - while I don't think there are any Jewish kids in her class, or anyone who celebrates Kwanzaa, it is heightening their awareness of other cultures - at least that's what I tell myself in my most politically correct moments.

I asked her if she even knew what a dreidel is and she didn't. So I borrowed one from a Jewish co-worker. She thinks it's cool but wants to know what the letters on the side mean, which I don't know - we will google it tonight, probably.

So my resolution is to be more open minded and use this as a little learning opportunity for the kid, even if I do miss the sounds of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town."